Parts and Accessories for TrafFix Signs and Stands

Three Flag Bracket
Now you can combine the economy of wood or plastic dowel flags with any sign stand. You can even mount it directly to the fiberglass cross brace of any roll-up sign or to the back of any rigid sign.

Sign Storage Bag
A sturdy roll-up sign storage bag with convenient carrying handle, helps to keep the sign clean and free from dirt, grease, and oil.

TrafFix Stand Carrying Bag
Easy to carry storage bag helps keep the TrafFix Stand free from oil, grease and dirt, whether on the truck or in storage.

Rigid Sign Adapter
This single spring adapter converts a TrafFix stand for roll-up signs into a stand that will accommodate a 36" × 36" rigid sign. Simply drop the custom latch bracket connector into the sign stand to lock in place.

Safe Sleeve-350
This Rigid Sign Mounting Bracket is NCHRP-350 compliant when used with 36" × 36" and 48" × 48" .080 aluminum signs on the Econo and Little Buster Sign Stands.