Meet Linda TrafFix Employee Stories

Linda Davison celebrated her 25th anniversary with TrafFix Devices on April 29, 2021. Linda is an Iowa native and grew up on a farm outside of Batavia, a town just a few miles outside of Fairfield.
Linda can be described as one of TrafFix Devices' most dedicated and hard working employees, currently filling the role of Production Administrator for the last 15 years, which has been her favorite position. Prior to her current role, Linda was Production Associate and then Production Manager. Just a few of her current responsibilities include managing Fairfield logistics, LTL/FTL spacing, and overseas container shipments.
Just like Pearl, Linda loves the people she works with at TrafFix Fairfield. When asked why she has decided to stay with TrafFix for so long, Linda responded "because everyday is different."
Linda is such a valued member of our team and we are sincerely grateful that she has chosen to stay with us for all of these years. We would not be the same company without her.